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Relevance of Registered Office Address and its renewal

Relevance of Registered Office Address and its renewal

Relevance of Registered Office Address and its renewal

Every Limited company registered in UK is required to have a UK Registered Office Address. Our company offers a Registered Office Address service for those clients who do not have a UK address or do not wish to have their residential address details on public records. Our Registered Office Address service is valid for a period of 12 months. 

Registered Office Address must be kept up-to-date. 

If you use our Registered Office Address, it is necessary that the service is renewed on time every year. If the service is not renewed, the Company will no longer receive any statutory correspondence and your company will not be in good standing.

If you wish not to use our Registered Office Address service any longer please contact us as soon as possible so we could update details for your company and avoid any negative affects on the status of your company.

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